The Rosh Chodesh Society’s upcoming course, TO BElieve OR NOT TO BElieve In YOURSELF, How to Achieve Self-Mastery, aims to help with that. It introduces the students to Tanya, a 225-year-old text whose portrayal of human psychology in general, and of our inner spiritual composition in particular, remains as revolutionary—and as refreshing—as ever. The kabbalah-based tools it presents help us understand ourselves, in order to better regulate how we think and feel, and ultimately emerge victorious from life’s inner struggles.
Tanya was authored by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of the Chabad school of thought, to serve as a substitute for his personal mentorship. The students attending this course will experience spiritual counseling from a master of kabbalah and the nature of the soul. They will come to understand the sources of guilt, conflict, and confusion, and find useful practical strategies for developing joy, purpose, direction, and perseverance in everyday life.
TO BElieve OR NOT TO BElieve In YOURSELF grapples with the nature of perfection, and questions whether perfection is even possible. It describes the process of personal change and the struggles that can complicate this process: loss of motivation, lack of progress, and reversion to old habits among them. Tanya’s comprehensive system of self-betterment is multifaceted, depicting change on the behavioral level as well as deep internal changes of attitudes and personality.